Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Artist Swap Meet

On Thursday, August 27th, Orange County Arts Council, will be hosting our fourth installment of our "Creative Contacts" series. Right here at our office, 23 White Oak Drive, Sugar Loaf at 6:30-9 p.m.
We are pretty sure that everyone, especially artists, have that one particular draw that is filled with many different items of nonsense. Many call this their 'junk drawer' and many are in denial of having one at all, but we are encouraging you to open that draw and bring whats inside to the Artist Swap Meet! So go and get your art supplies, old play scripts, old instruments, buckets full of shells, bundles of yarn, thread or fabric. Bring whatever is in your space that you don't feel is any use to you anymore. By doing so you may be helping out another artist and maybe someone will bring something they could do without but was just the thing you were looking for. Everything you give, and everything you take is free.

A delicous home cooked meal and refreshments will be available to enjoy before the swap session begins. We are very sure that the Artist Swap Meet will a great time, so please come stop by and bring your junk.

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